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Fear of success is just as common as fear of failure

Fear of success can be easily confused with fear of failure because either one can keep you from reaching your full potential. Fear of failure has to do with beating yourself up when you think you've missed the mark. Fear of success is more about worrying about how other people will react to your accomplishment.

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FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real

FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real. Over 99% of what we worry about doesn’t actually eventuate! Our flight, fight and freeze mechanism is there to help alert us to what is dangerous but what we THINK IS DANGEREROUS is really the SABRETOOTH TIGER in our MIND.

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Building Great Business Relationships

Who are you surrounding yourself with?

Tony Robbins says, "Proximity is power." We become the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with, don’t we? Well, then, it stands to reason that we are either empowering ourselves by investing our time with those people who lift us up, or we are disempowering ourselves by investing time with people who drag us down.

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Constipation or Inspiration?

When things aren’t flowing in certain areas of your life you feel stuck right? There’s a great saying S**t or get off the potty - Toilet humour aside – What this saying means is “don’t just sit there – do something!” If you’re waiting for that next piece of inspiration – read on. Waiting for your next sale – when would NOW be a good time to ask for it? Been thinking about starting your own business - what’s stopping you from starting it? Want to improve your current business - what’s stopping you from taking it to the next level?

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Your inner critic

What could be holding you back? We’ve all heard of the inner critic - that voice inside of your head saying you're not good enough. Or maybe you're telling yourself that you’re not ready? Your 90 Day Divas have had to deal with that voice too and can tell you from experience that it’s only there to protect you but you can’t always trust it when it comes to moving outside your comfort zone and taking massive action.

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Waiting attracts waiting

Waiting attracts waiting - Sometimes we get stuck because humans are naturally kind of shortsighted. We're just interested in what's going to serve us in the next three months or the next six months instead of taking a longer view. As Jen says “It might be a little painful in the beginning to get to the long view, but that's really what matters most and all these little steps take us there."

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We have a passion for business

Whether you've started a business, you're wanting to start a business, you want to ignite yourself in your business or you simply want to pivot or change in your business. The Divas are here to help you explore those aspects so that you can overcome the fear and uncertainty that many of us are facing in business right now.

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