Constipation or Inspiration?

Action or Inaction? A wait and see approach?

When things aren’t flowing in certain areas of your life you feel stuck right? There’s a great saying ‘S**t or get off the potty’! Toilet humour aside – what this saying means is ‘don’t just sit there – do something!’ If you’re waiting for that next piece of inspiration – read on. Waiting for your next sale – when would NOW be a good time to ask for it? Been thinking about starting your own business - what’s stopping you from starting it? Want to improve your current business - what’s stopping you from accessing support and resources to help you take it to the next level? 


Recently a client shared that she didn’t realise how much she didn’t know until she started working with a coach.  Her creativity in her business had been stifled because the stuff she was doing wasn’t inspiring her.  Trying to master all facets of your business can lead to inaction everywhere.  But getting clear on what your ‘next best steps’ are really pays off in the long run.  Small but consistent steps when done over time lead to big improvements in the end.  The trick is knowing what steps to take that will have the biggest impact – we like to call it HIGH ROI ACTIVITY!  With a few small tweaks and some great processes, she was able to find more energy and time to work on what really moved the needle in her business. 


Sometimes getting together with like-minded people is just enough to get you across the line and get you reinvigorated. 

Employing a great coach to help you find clarity and focus can do the trick.  There’s never been a better time to seek advice from people in business who have laid the framework for you.  There’s never been a better time to step into your greatness, because the world has opened up through digital technology.  We are more connected than ever before.  Your marketplace has shifted from local to global.   

What opportunities can you bring to a wider audience that previously you may not have been able to?  Perhaps it’s simply adding value with free tips and advice from your industry – after all, if you can’t serve people outside your region with an end-to-end solution, maybe they know someone in your region who needs your services?  It pays to know WHO that magic, ideal customer is but you don’t need to be able to offer your end product to your end customer – that’s where the power of connection and relationships will help you reach them! Remember the concept of ‘6 Degrees of Separation’? We believe it’s probably more like 3!   


Have you been waiting for things to improve? It’s time to take action.

The price of inaction is costing you more than you realise. Get recharged and bring back the magic to your business. Join The 90 Day Divas for 30 minutes over 3-Days for our FREE Business Accelerator and take your business from 'Meh' to 'Magic!'


Building Great Business Relationships


Your inner critic