Written goals create better outcomes than things stuck in your head!

We can’t control everything but we can


and our FOCUS for what we intend.

Perhaps you've heard of the Harvard Business School study on goal setting in which only 3% of the graduating MBA class had specific written goals for their futures? The study checked in on them 20 years later and that 3% was found to be earning an astounding 10 times more than those in the class that didn't set any goals.

Close to 70% of people on the planet won't have a written plan going into 2023. Isn’t that mind-blowing? Given that success leaves clues and all the data that points to written goals achieving better outcomes than goals stuck in our head, if we want to make this next year our best yet, let’s get to writing down what’s important! Take 30 minutes NOW and use this simple framework of WHAT, WHERE, WHO, HOW and WHEN.

Keep it simple and it will be easier to FOCUS on what you REALLY WANT for 2023.

  1. Look at WHAT you need to let go of to make space for what you really want (see our letting go process here).

  2. Set up to three clear intentions including WHERE these will take place.

  3. Decide WHO will help you achieve them.

  4. Work backwards with tactics on HOW these intentions will be achieved.

  5. WRITE THEM DOWN and put a time frame on WHEN you want them to happen.

Now put them at EYE LEVEL so you can see them EVERYDAY!


Go Beyond the Mind and Let Go

Use our letting go process to help you create space for what matters in 2023. This process takes you outside your thinking mind and helps you to tap into your emotional intelligence. When you can let go of the past you can FOCUS FOR FREEDOM on the future.

Tap into the Letting Go Process here!


The Blueprint Bosses Podcast

Each month we come together and talk about a business topic and give insights on how we can improve or change ways we do business. Find us on Spotify.


FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real


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