Your Relationship With Money


What money stories are influencing YOUR decisions in business and life?


Quick - Name ONE of the top 2 reasons for arguments between people! GO!

Did you say ‘SEX’? You’d be right! But we’re not talking about that in today’s installment. Did you say ‘MONEY’? Fantastic guess - you’re also right!

At least according to, MONEY is cited as being a major contributor to relationship problems in many different settings - from personal to business.

The DIVAS recently discussed this hot topic. The long and short of our conversation was this: We all need it to survive; We are often programmed from early years to believe there isn’t enough of it to go around; We often have trouble staying rational when making decisions about how to use it. Read on for how we unpacked those things with some examples from our own lives. WARNING: long post!

We all have different money stories that play out in our minds, and often these come from our past and the words that were used in our families when it came to spending (or not!) our ‘hard-earned’ money. Were YOU programmed to think that money was ‘hard’ to earn? The DIVAS were. We also all heard that ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ and that certain things cost ‘an arm and a leg’, and on and on. Some of us grew up with the ‘Dad’ figure handling all the finances in the home, so we inadvertently learned at an early age that ‘men’ should handle the money.

A couple more common tropes in our families were: ‘More money, more problems’ and ‘don’t be greedy’. There seemed to be some strange idea that wealthy people were ‘bad’ in some way. Rather than viewing being wealthy as a great way to SERVE other people, we were programmed to think being wealthy was something to steer clear of because of the unsavory personal characteristics and questionable values it seemed to engender.

We were done a massive DISSERVICE.

And it took years to undo the programming.

It’s only when we began USING money for ourselves - starting businesses and having careers where how we dealt with money became vitally important - that we learned we still had a lot to learn!

Over time, we’ve all worked hard to educate ourselves about how money actually FLOWS through our society and how we can have a bit more ease around receiving what we want. Because we can receive money in many different ways, can’t we? It doesn’t all have to be ‘hours for dollars.’ And that was a major realisation for each of us.

We want you to begin thinking about the global money supply as a living, breathing thing like a river. It flows through many different places and NEVER STOPS MOVING.

Money flows into and out of your business and family, just like water. It moves from one set of hands to another constantly as we transact for various things. Depending on natural cycles, a river’s level can fall or it can overflow its banks, just like our own money supply can be influenced by factors that make it rise or fall. It’s learning to get more comfortable with the ebb and flow that helps us become more settled around money. The key is, THERE WILL ALWAYS BE MORE OF IT for us to access and use. That’s abundance theory.


Once we wrap our heads around the idea that the money supply is like a river, we can begin working on our own ‘worthiness’ issues. Meaning that we are worthy to harness as much of that supply as we want. The more money we make, the more we can use it to help and serve others.

This idea flows over to how to PRICE our goods and services if we have a business! We must learn to set our prices to accurately reflect the VALUE we bring to the table for our ideal clients.

We must first value ourselves before others will begin to value what we do.

What a journey we’ve all been on with regard to money. We hope by sharing a bit of our own experiences here, we’ve gotten you thinking about what YOUR money stories are and how they might be impacting your business and your life right now. What narrative do YOU need to shift? What story isn’t serving you? Take a few moments now and reflect on how you can begin to develop more ease with money and how you can begin to embrace the idea of abundance. Because there’s enough out there for everyone - you just need to dip your bucket in the river.


Here are a few of our favourite books about money that you may want to read:

  • Money - Master the Game by Tony Robbins

  • Happy Money by Ken Honda

  • The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist

  • Get Rich, Lucky Bitch! by Denise Duffield Thomas

  • You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kyosaki


The Blueprint Bosses Podcast

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