Your inner critic

What could be holding you back?  We’ve all heard of the inner critic - that voice inside of your head saying you're not good enough.  Or maybe you're telling yourself that you’re not ready?  Your 90 Day Divas have had to deal with that voice too and can tell you from experience that it’s only there to protect you but you can’t always trust it when it comes to moving outside your comfort zone and taking massive action.  


Maybe the people around you are telling you to be cautious? Are the people around you helping you or hindering you? 

What influence are they having and are they supporting you to take massive action or do they think they are protecting you by telling you to play it safe? 

Take one step after the next step, after the next step. Get your hand held through the situations and gain that motivation when you need it.  But you need to be aware and ready to make that commitment.  You've got to have decided “I'm going to let that branch go and swing through the trees to my next opportunity for business success.


“We are all about pushing ourselves outside our comfort zone a little bit, striving a little bit, and wanting to explore what potential we've got”. 

We all know about the carrot and the stick - some of us respond to the carrot and some of us respond to the stick. The 90 Day Divas are very good at understanding when you will need the carrot and when you will need the stick because you respond to what works best for you. It’s often said we are talking to ourselves of 5, 10, or 20 years ago. The knowledge each of us had 20 years ago is completely different to what we know now. The 90 Day Divas condense decades into days so that you don’t muddle along on your own, but actually help you get there faster and getting there faster means that you're developing quicker.  Gathering momentum for you and your business means things move faster and you get a return earlier. 

Would you agree that the biggest regret would be that you get to the end of your life and you haven't completed the stuff that you were dreaming of?  What if you could get back in touch with your dreams for what you really want from your life and business? It's really just committing yourself to that change and working with a skilled coach and group to remain accountable. 

“It’s not about being scared to fail because failure has its lessons too. Thinking - Oh, I won't do it because what if I fail? But what if you thrive, where will it lead you?”

Most people want to make their lives a success but nobody works hard to make their death a success.  When you begin with the end in mind, you can reach your goals faster because you are thinking about what the legacy will look like.  What could be your legacy? What would you want people to say about you after you are gone? What would you regret not doing? What would you wish that you could have done when it comes to the end of your life?  We suggest you read the book Chasing Daylight by Gene O’Kelly past CEO of Worldwide Accounting FIrm, KPMG to put into perspective what is important to you. The fact is, today is a gift. Tomorrow will be a gift. So, what are you doing with your time here? We all get 1,440 minutes a day. What are you doing with your 1,440 minutes?

The comfort zone's great, but it's the graveyard of your dreams!  If you don’t do it for yourself can you do it for your family?  So they see you leading them and you provide them with a better life than the one they are currently living? 

Whatever you decide - it’s your choice.  The 90 Day Divas want to see you go from surviving to thriving and have the life you’ve always dreamed of.  Don’t you owe yourself the investment of your time and money in tapping into your full potential?  The Divas are here to help you do just that!


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