Waiting attracts waiting

Have you heard the saying “ waiting attracts waiting”? Sometimes we get stuck because humans are naturally kind of shortsighted. We're just interested in what's going to serve us in the next three months or the next six months instead of taking a longer view. As Jen says “It might be a little painful in the beginning to get to the long view, but that's really what matters most and all these little steps take us there."


How would it feel if you did commit fully? 

Do feelings of worthiness, not being good enough or thinking you just need to do that extra course to “become an expert” keep you stuck?

Those stories of ‘I’m not good enough or I’m not ready yet’ they are just stories.  And let me tell you, you will never be ready. So you just have to go for it. Just trust yourself and do it.
— Lucy

Do you feel stuck?

So if you find yourself stuck in procrastination there’s a great technique called the Pomodoro technique. The Pomodoro technique addresses that focusing issue. As humans, we are easily distractible and our work tends to expand into whatever time we give it. So if we give ourselves, for instance, a day to write a 1000 word article, it'll take all day. If instead, we set a timeline of writing 500 words in the next 25 minutes and then tell ourselves we’re going to take a 5 minute break we are more likely to focus knowing we have a reward at the end. So with the Pomodoro technique, you set your timer for 25 minutes, you close off all the other distractions and really focus for 25 minutes. You take a five minute break at the end of each segment and go do something completely different. Then you come back to that task for another 25 minutes of focus time. You do this in blocks of three. This is called working in sprints. So for writing the article you could do 500 words per 25 blocks then use the final block to edit and tidy up. You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish. It's a great technique for getting rid of procrastination. In your break, go for a walk around the block, go make a cup of tea, but just go away from what you're doing, then come back and focus again.

You got this!

This is just one “hands-on” technique that’s available to people through connecting with the 90 Day Divas.  They love adding value by providing a number of these quick hacks online in the Facebook group on a regular basis.  Below are outlines of the Business Blueprint course:

Your Mindset
Where do you want to go? What's your goal? Unblock your inner blocks and discover your why? Why do you do what you’re doing?  Clarify your vision. 

Your Marketing
Who's your target market? What’s a niche market look like for your business?  What's your message? Come up with an activity plan for your message. 

Your Products and Pricing
What are you going to offer? What's the price? Where's your value and how can you put a number to what you're going to do? Put the products and the package positioning together.  

Your Sales 
How to sell your product, how to go to the market, what to do. What key questions to ask and how to role play those so that you’re comfortable asking for the sale. 

Your Technology
What do you need to set it up to be really efficient?  What online tools do you need?  What back end processes do you need to use that technology can automate for you?

Your Celebration
Celebrate your breakthroughs and keep you accountable.  Setting goals and celebrating them is so important in business.  


Get support as you take your business journey.  The 90 Day Divas know when they were starting out how much they would have loved a group like this to be kept accountable, motivated and supported. Like Carol says “We help you through some of those times when you aren't feeling quite so ready to do the work, or are experiencing those little blocks or hurdles that are going to come up because they will and there's no point in thinking it's going to be plain sailing because it’s just not. It's all meant to have those places where you grow a bit because when you overcome those obstacles that's when growth really occurs.  They don’t build statues out of the critics.  People build statues out of people that have done the work and overcome the trials”.

So if you or someone you know wants to either take a new business forward or reinvigorate a current one, then the 90 Day Business Blueprint is the course to go for.  It’s all about partnerships in the community.  As Jen says “Other people make you better than you are and multiply your value to help you to do what you do best. So it's all about supporting each other, providing people with listening ears, companionships, tips, resources and really compounding everybody's result”.


Do you want to go from surviving to thriving?

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Your inner critic


We have a passion for business