Finding clarity and purpose

“If you win the morning, you win the day.”

- Tim Ferriss


The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines ‘Clarity’ as ‘lucid’. Hmmm…we know we’ve heard that word before, but what does it mean? Turns out, ‘Lucid’ means ‘clear to the understanding or intelligible’. As in ‘Granny was quite lucid today’ (!) or in a business sense, ‘Graham is seeking clarity about what he wants to achieve.’

Now - why are we starting off this message with a boring word definition and the cheeky example of Granny? Because CLARITY is so incredibly necessary in order to move forward in life and business.

We’ve all been there - you wake up on Monday morning with an entire week stretching out in front of you and think to yourself, ‘What do I need to DO this week?’ That question becomes a whole lot easier to answer when we’re clear on what it is we want in the first place. Then, we can arrange our weeks and days to support us to go out and get what we want.

Set aside regular time in your week to simply think. Get clear about your personal and business values, your overall goals, your opportunities, your target market, your new business idea, the strategy to achieve your goals. The list can be endless, but clarity is the key to achieving anything. After all, someone once said if you don’t know where you want to go, any road will take you there.

In our experience, clarity starts in the morning with our morning routine. When we take control from the very beginning of the day with a healthy morning routine, it sets us up for a powerful day. Robin Sharma wrote a book called The 5 AM Club and the byline is ‘Elevate your morning - elevate your life.’ Are we saying you have to wake up at 5 am every day in order to achieve your goals? No. We ARE saying you may want to put some serious thought into your morning routine. Maybe it needs a shake-up!

When we’re clear, we also are protecting our well-being! Clarity lends a certain sense of calm, inner peace and confidence to our activities. It helps us be a bit more resilient in the face of setbacks.

What do YOU need to do to gain more clarity around where you’re headed in life and business?

We may have just the thing that can support you! It’s called ‘Reflect Back, Manifest Forward.’ It’s a free 3-day business accelerator. You can read more about it and register to attend below.


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