Possibility Thinking




Have you ever been on the London Underground?

MIND THE GAP - the next train is departing

Are you concerned about:

  • your market share?

  • where your business is headed if a recession occurs?

  • the state of the current economy?

    if so we encourage you to employ "possibility thinking".

Possibility thinking

If you’ve ever been on the London Underground, there’s always a little gap between the rail car and the platform. An automatic recorded English voice booms over everyone’s heads - MIND THE GAP THE NEXT TRAIN IS DEPARTING. It’s a signal for the commuter to simply glance down and check the gap from the platform to the train before placing the foot on the railway car about to depart.

Possibility thinking is a bit like this. You need to assess what the pitfall might be (in this case the gap, but for you it might be a challenge or problem) and take the NEXT step forward (again in this case its the departing train but for you it can be applied to training your mind to leave the station in search of solutions)!

Essentially, possibility thinking is having a "NEXT" attitude about things.
Such as:

- When you can't convert that sought after sale - NEXT.

- When you can't employ that ideal staff member - NEXT.

- When you can't get that funding you need - NEXT.


In fact, research suggests when you can look for the opportunity rather than the scarcity in the situation, your brain will start to re-wire and you will become a better problem solver. Simply put, when a cell persistently activates another nearby cell, the connection between the two cells becomes stronger and a growth process occurs that increases how effective the neuron operates. It's called HEBBS LAW - neurons that fire together, wire together.



Research also tells us that when you’re in problem solving mode, your body produces feel good hormones such as oxytocin and serotonin (two of our happiness chemicals) and allows the body to produce less cortisol (the stress hormone) which means your stress response diminishes when in problem solving mode. You can feel this because when engaging your creative side of the brain for problem solving you get a shot of dopamine when you come up with a good solution. Win, win right?

So, fire up your brain to look for that NEXT OPPORTUNITY and start training it to problem solve efficiently. Your body will thank you for it!


The Blueprint Bosses Podcast

Each month we come together and talk about a business topic and give insights on how we can improve or change ways we do business. Find us on Spotify.


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