Rest to be at YOUR BEST

Are you feeling like you’ve got little or no energy right now?

RESTING CAN BE PRODUCTIVE - it can help with your long game

The Diva's theme this month is all around taking planned breaks at work and resting and restoring your energy to be able to perform at your best.

Research tells us rest and relaxation not only help the brain's cognitive function, but also help manage weight, aid in better sleep and assists us to be more productive in the long run rather than pushing through and continuing to be "tiredly task-orientated". Why not give yourself a break?

Here’s three easy things to do to achieve more rest when busy or stressed:

1. Choose something that helped you relax in the past (maybe short walks, breath exercises, reading, hot epsom salt oil baths, workout).

2. Set aside time to take that break in your diary or daily routine (actually schedule it in because when it's not scheduled its not going to happen).

3. Find that spot that you can relax undisturbed and go there consistently (maybe have a go at meditation - try apps like Calm and Headspace to start with, then get a meditation teacher to keep you on track).

In meditation, we call this relaxed spot the "de-excited place". When consistently going to a favourite spot to meditate, it is said that spot becomes less associated with stress and offers a feeling of serenity. Strengthening the areas of the brain responsible for memory, learning, attention and self-awareness are just some of the benefits of meditation. The practice can also help calm down your sympathetic nervous system which goes into overdrive when “stressed out you” is in charge. Over time, meditation can increase cognition, memory and attention.

The big key is CONSISTENCY!



When you feel good, everyone around you feels good too. You are more productive, have greater clarity and are more likely to see opportunities when they present themselves because you’re in a more positive state of mind.

Plus, your loved ones will notice that you don’t bring “stressed out you” to the dinner table, on holiday or to the family fun day. Taking rest when your body needs it makes you a better contributor all around. So listen to what its saying!

Schedule in breaks, plan a holiday early so you have something to look forward to and take a long weekend every so often to rest and restore!


The Blueprint Bosses Podcast

Each month we come together and talk about a business topic and give insights on how we can improve or change ways we do business. Find us on Spotify.


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