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Fear of success is just as common as fear of failure
Fear of success can be easily confused with fear of failure because either one can keep you from reaching your full potential. Fear of failure has to do with beating yourself up when you think you've missed the mark. Fear of success is more about worrying about how other people will react to your accomplishment.
FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real
FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real. Over 99% of what we worry about doesn’t actually eventuate! Our flight, fight and freeze mechanism is there to help alert us to what is dangerous but what we THINK IS DANGEREROUS is really the SABRETOOTH TIGER in our MIND.
Intention or more tension?
Writing down your goals, actually makes them easier to focus on and allows your mind to be free to find ways to achieve them. Creation starts with intention.
Rest and Restore
Taking breaks actually leads to being more productive. Planning long weekends away from work, booking that family holiday and going for walks during lunch all help to restore balance. Meditation also helps with cognitive function, memory and learning.