Be that solution your customers are looking for.

When you’re facing a complex problem, as we’ve seen over the last few years, (like COVID and figuring out how to work from home or recent weather events and where to BEGIN to bring back some normality) start with a smaller version of the larger problem. Focus exclusively on that small problem and solve it. Use the answers to this small issue to expand your knowledge of the larger issue. Keep moving and solving the next small problem, consolidating feedback towards the larger one. Keep moving forward eating that elephant one bite at a time.

Problems are part of life and unfortunately, as the saying goes, people with no problems are no longer here to tell us about them. Life will always test us in some form and it’s really our ability to problem solve that allows us to have a quality of life we can feel comfortable, confident and proud of.

In our businesses, no matter if it’s a service or product-based business, we aren’t selling anything - we are providing solutions to problems for our customers. We are problem solvers! The most resilient and lucrative businesses continuously provide better solutions while also solving bigger problems. If you want to become known as an expert in your field - solve a bigger problem for your potential customer.

The most successful businesses actually identify the problem and provide the solution BEFORE the customer realizes they have the problem. This is how disruptor markets are formed - the product or service is invented to meet a need that hasn’t yet been identified, eg: gas lighting to electric, horse and cart to automobile, record to CD, iPod to Spotify.


There are always at least three solutions to any problem. Train your brain to look for the third alternative.

If you’d like to become a better problem solver, train your brain to look for more than two paths (Not just A or B and not just ‘my way’ or ‘your way’). Research tells us there is ALWAYS a third option and often this is the one that has the greatest benefits.

Problems will always be here. Ask yourself “What’s the third alternative here?” Build your strength, confidence and resilience by solving problems through the third alternative. You’ll be surprised at the results.

The Blueprint Bosses Podcast

Each month we come together and talk about a business topic and give insights on how we can improve or change ways we do business. Find us on Spotify.


Charging for Value


Stress Vs. Productivity