Research suggests, that over half of small business owners start their business to be their own boss. The rest love creating something from the ground up and having an impact on the world.

Having freedom to choose feels great. Being creative feels great. Feeling motivated feels great. We all start off this way at the beginning of the year, at the beginning of that new project or start up, at the beginning of that new relationship. Then life gets in the way, we forget what motivated us in the first place, we suffer a few set backs and reality sinks in. The fact is, life can be drab without motivation, inspiration and transformation. You’ve got to be motivated to be in business but how do you stay motivated when times get tough?

Transformation is the key. You have to step into that Leader that you wish to become. You have to let go of the old you and bring in the new you. The new you has to accept that there’s no going back to the old employee mindset. You’re in the owner mindset now. You’re in the sink or swim mindset and you’re swimming. It’s an ongoing transformational journey just like the butterfly who moves from being a caterpillar to a flying machine, capable of going anywhere! We have to let our thoughts dictate our emotions not the other way around. We have to let our thoughts lead us in the direction of progress and find that inspiration to insert those thoughts into our mind. Here’s some ways to check your thoughts from operator to owner mindset:

  • I don’t hang on to tasks that I know could be systemized because I’m happy to delegate tasks that are mundane so my time can be spent on creating progress in my business.

  • I’m not reacting to every little thing, checking my inbox or social media because I’m taking time to plan in my business rather than being reactionary.

  • I don’t stress myself by working constantly IN the business and know the value of leveling up my “soft skills” like communication, win-win negotiation and personal development by working ON MYSELF, thereby ON the business.

Motivation provides hope and clarity when circumstances become hard and discouraging.

Most successful entrepreneurs are motivated by:

  1. Creating a compelling vision for themselves and those around them,

  2. Connecting with others in business (particularly those that are a few steps ahead of where they want to be),

  3. Deciding on a small group of accountability buddies who will keep them on track.

You will know when you have experienced some transformation because those that knew the old you will be wanting you to come back and play in their sandpit. You simply can’t make an impact on the world and please everyone at the same time. That’s what choice is all about.


Just under 96% of people who are self-employed don’t want to go back to a regular job - they can “C” clearly.

The Six C’s of motivation (research done by Turner and Paris) are paramount to what got self-employed business owners started in the first place - CHOICE, CHALLENGE, CONTROL, COLLABORATION, CONSTRUCTED MEANING and CONSEQUENCES!

Check in with yourself. Give each of the Six C’s a rating out of 10. Identify the one that rates the highest and adjust your actions and focus to gain more self motivation. eg. If having more CHOICE in your business and life rates the highest for you, where can you create more of that to stay motivated each day? Connect with us if you want more ideas.


Do you think you should be further along in your career by now?

Join us on 19 April at 5pm NZT / 7am CES

Discover the 3 FUNdamentals of MOTIVATION

Sometimes expectations and reality don’t meet. Sometimes what we THINK we’re motivated by turns out to be something else entirely.

If you’re feeling a bit ‘Meh’ about your business or career OR if you’re over all the changes we’ve all had to deal with and feel exhausted by what lies ahead, come join us!

We will share practical processes to tap into your inner compass and get you back on track so you can thrive!


Entering Flow State


Charging for Value